
G - Mary Hayes Ewing Prize for the Best Article in Southern History     Recipients (last 10 years)
This is a prize for an article or book chapter in the area of US Southern history written while at Rice and published (the publication date can be after the author has left Rice).


UG/G - Charles Garside, Jr. Prize in History     Recipients (last 10 years)
Awarded to "distinguished  student of history, UG or Grad, to honor the memory of Charles Garside, Jr.," a member of the Rice faculty from 1966-1987.  The prize offers the winners time to broaden and deepen their education through travel and reflection.


UG - Ira and Patricia Gruber Award for Best Honors Thesis     Recipients (last 10 years)
Given to student who had the best honors thesis.


UG - Honors in History     Recipients (last 10 years)
Awarded to students who have successfully completed HIST 404 (History Honors Thesis) AND defended their UG thesis and have been approved by UG Committee (with input from readers (other faculty).  

UG/G- Barbara Field Kennedy Prize in American History    Recipients (last 10 years)
Awarded to the UG or Grad student whose overall academic performance is rated highest by the faculty of Dept of History.  Dr. John Hines Kennedy established this prize for the "undergraduate or graduate student (in American History) whose overall academic performance is rated highest by the faculty of the Dept of History."


UG/G - Clifford Lefton Lawrence Award in British History     Recipients (last 10 years)
For the best student UG or Grad in British History.  The student must have done distinguished work in some aspects  of British history from ancient times to the present.


UG - The Floyd Seyward Lear Prize      Recipients (last 10 years)
Given to the student who submits the best academic article to the Rice Historical Review.


G - Captain Charles Septimus Longcope Award in History     Recipients (last 10 years)
For the best paper in history written by a graduate student.  The convention is that a completed or defended dissertation is awarded.  This would cover students from last years commencement till present time.  Mrs. Edward B. Hopkins established this award.   

G - James Scott Peterson Distinguished Service Award     Recipients (last 10 years)
Given to graduate representative for his/her service to the department.


UG - The Elizabeth A. Pyke Prize      Recipients (last 10 years)
Awarded to distinguished continuing undergraduate students of history to honor Elizabeth A. Pyke, sister of alumni James T. Pyke '97 and Carolyn S. Pyke '94, and her love of history, especially in the era between the American Civil War and World War II. The prize offers support for domestic or international travel, research, or other experiential learning and enrichment opportunities related to history.


UG - Susie Smith Vandiver Award     Recipients (last 10 years)
Given to outstanding junior History major.


UG/G - Henrietta Wood Memorial Prize    Recipients (last 10 years)
The Henrietta Wood Memorial Prize recognizes exemplary achievements in historical research, with special consideration given to work that aids in the recovery and reconstruction of marginalized voices, ideally through work with primary sources. Prize awarded to students (undergraduate and graduate).


UG = Undergraduate award
G = Graduate award